Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Downtown Spartanburg

I took these last Thursday during class time.  Sorry it took so long to get them up! Some of the photos were taken with a particular intent.  Some I'm afraid I couldn't do because my lens has a fixed focal length (50mm and that's IT). So, goals this week? Get an FD-EOS adapter so I can use the macro lens I have, and look into getting a wide-angle lens!!

This first photos show a shallow depth of field.  The aperture of the bricks photo was f/4. I was drawn to it because I always like brick walls that aren't quite complete, and this one still had a brick that moved.
The second one is an even smaller aperture at f/2.  I saw a few others that have this subject on their site, and I took one with the focus farther up the wall, but then I focused close up on that first duct and found that you could see the shadowy reflection of a tall plant.  That and the blurry background divided by the very clear edge of the pipe held a lot of visual interest for me.

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