Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving trip

I went down to Charleston, SC for Thanksgiving with the family, and to meet my cousin's fiance.  It was a pretty good time, and I used the opportunity to take some photos.  These are my favorite spontaneous portraits.

And these are some of my favorite scenery shots.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lawson's Fork Creek in Glendale

Our class went out to the site around the Goodall Environmental Studies Center for a photo shoot.  These are some of my better ones!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I went on something of a "walkabout" twice today--once because class was cancelled, and then again when I got home.  I am trying to show you guys how I see the world around me.

Monday, November 12, 2012

New portfolio theme

Prof. Hiott has approved my switch from a barn themed portfolio to one that is more natural history. A "naturalist" was once described to me as a person who asks 2 things: what is it? And how does it fit into the natural world?

I have photographs that got me thinking about this series, but they aren't on my phone. I had planned on taking photos outside this afternoon, but the rain kept me in. Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

MidTerm Portfolio

This is what I turned in as my final MidTerm Portfolio.  It is supposed to show the presence/influence of people and horses and riding in an apparently empty barn.

Buddist Stupa in Welford 10/17

Here are 5 photos from the stupa in Welford.

Unfortunately, the fisheye lens doesn't "talk" to the camera very well, so it doesn't know what to record as the actual aperture (therefore, I don't have that data).  I took a few photos with my 35mm-80mm, but not many.  And only one made the cut!